The Missouri Department of Social Services is proud to present The Call to Foster, a heartwarming new podcast series that features inspiring stories from foster parents across the state. Each episode will highlight their unique experiences and perspectives, how they overcame hesitations, and provide helpful advice for anyone considering becoming a foster parent. Prepare your heart as you hear first-hand from the compassionate families and individuals working together to make a difference for Missouri’s most vulnerable children.

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Latest Episodes

"Find some way to get involved."

In this episode, Shasta, Jessica, and Ashton speak with Tim Hite. Tim is the Executive Director of Divine Nest in Missouri. One piece of this nonprofit is the Sparrow ...

"I don't know that anyone really feels totally ready for it."

Join Shasta, Jessica, and Ashton as they talk with Hillary Lammert. Hillary was adopted as a child and talks about her experience growing and learning as a foster/adop...

"If we don't take care of ourselves, how are we going to take care of our kids?"

This month's guest, Micah Smiley, shares her experience as a "medical home." Micah is currently a respite only foster home, but she started as a full foster home! Mica...

"Love can fix a lot..."

Our hosts, Shasta, Jessica, and Ashton talk to a very special guest this month - Shasta's husband, Chris Miller. Chris grew up in foster care, experiencing 6 or 7 plac...

"Get attached."

This month, Shasta, Jessica, and Ashton talk with Tori Ward. Tori was introduced to foster parenting at a young age when her parents became licensed. She saw, first-ha...

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